Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good Ones

Give a man a fish.......and he just might hit you with it...Teach a man to fish and soon there won't be any fish left....

True intimacy is the kind that requires courage to practice.

Note to self: Booing her nightgown = Sleeping on the couch..

Does a master clown have more Bozotic impact?

There was something ironic about the impressionist who fell in the wood chipper.

Many women fall in love not with who a man is but who they think they can mold him into given enough time...

Insufficient knowledge is almost as bad as ignorance.

Since the dawn of man there have been retail deer.

The Intel motto: disagree, then commit.

"I don't have a problem with God my problem is with middlemen." Unknown

"I have yet to become aroused by a cartoon but I'm still hopeful!"

An alert villager is a mighty asset.

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