Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Time and Space

Time folds just like space does.

Time is also multi-dimensional.

Just like many dimensions can occupy the same space so can multiple times.

Every reality and the time stream that it happens in, contains a nearly infinite set of possibilities. (Pb)

Without a consciousness to observe it... this time/reality dimension exists in a state of entropy where all things are existing simultaneously.

The act of being conscious creates a series of fluctuations within this dimensional reality forcing the state of entropy to change to a state of chaotic evolution. It is the choices we make which determine the outcomes of chaotic evolution.

Each reality has a series of strange attractors which influence how phase space will react to conscious perception of reality. Strange attractors among other things serve to reduce the number of possibilities that must exist for any given moment in time by in essence providing a plot to an otherwise random story. Order arises and collapses based on this relationship between observer, attractor and phase space (reality).

The matrix of reality is simplistically quantum computing on a mass scale.

Matter/energy forms the hardware and software, light provides the display and our brain provides the interface.

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