Friday, May 15, 2009

Twits on Twitter

Twits on Twitter
( A Beginners Guide )
By @enoxh
I'm no expert on Twitter and what I'm about to share is by no means the only way to use Twitter. What I would like to do is share my own experiences about what has made Twitter a fun and delightful experience for me. This is by no means comprehensive. There are lots and lots of things about Twitter that I won't cover but if you're new to Twitter It is my hope that this will help you get started.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is basically instant messaging on Steroids! Another way I like to look at it is Twitter is like an interactive Google. On Twitter a user can post a message (Tweet) containing 140 characters or less that is seen instantly by other Twitter users (Twits). To become a Twit you just have to register a unique profile name with Twitter. What name you use will make a serious difference in how you are treated on Twitter so choose your profile name thoughtfully.

For a beginner it is best to use your real name or choose a screen name that describes you or your interests in some way. Try to avoid using any words like money, cash, SEO, MLM, earn, bot, etc. As with anything online Twitter is ripe with spammers and people who are just trying to figure out how to leverage the system to make money without having to participate. Suffice it to say you want to avoid being associated with that type of activity but we'll get to that in more detail later.

Once you have created a user name you will be prompted to upload a picture and enter some basic info about yourself as well as a link to your website. The best approach is to upload a picture of yourself or some sort of avatar that expresses who you are. Under no circumstances should you attempt to impersonate someone else on Twitter..not only is this just a lame thing to do but Twitter will take action against you if you do. You may not get caught right away but you will get caught eventually.

The real key to Twitter is to be and express yourself by sharing your life, thoughts and interests with others, at the end of the day that is what other people find interesting and what makes Twitter so much fun!

At it's core Twitter has 5 basic components.
Updates , Follows, Followers, Direct Messages and @ Replies.
Updates are the posts you and others type.

Follows are people that you follow. When you follow someone it means you can see their posts (updates).

Followers are people who follow you, meaning they can see your updates. When someone follows you they are able to see what you say. Unless you follow them back you do not see their updates meaning you don't see what they type but they see what you type.

When you look at the list of followers you will see a follow button. If you click that it means you are following them back. This means you see what they type and they see what you type.
It also means that you can send them...

Direct Messages (DM) a direct message is seen only by you and the person you send it to. You can only send a DM if both people are following each other. The DM feature should never be abused. I only really DM people I have gotten to know although sending a DM when you first meet someone new is pretty widely accepted as long as it is not SPAM or an attempt to sell something. I instantly delete the DM and will often Unfollow people who send me marketing related DM's.

@ Replies are when you type another user's name preceded by the @ symbol. This tags the message in a way that allows the user who's name you typed to see your post even if they are not following you. An @Reply is a powerful tool because it let's you send a message to any user, follower or not. While I will get into Twitter etiquette later, I would argue the @Reply is one of the easiest things to misuse as a beginner so start slow and learn to use your @ properly, it will go a long way to ensuring you enjoy using Twitter!

When someone types something and you want to comment or respond to them directly you use the @Reply.

Example: If you saw...

Enoxh Hi @YourName How are you today?

That means Enoxh is asking you how you are doing.

You might reply:

Fine @enoxh thank you for asking!

By adding the @enoxh you have flagged this message so that Enoxh will see it in his @Reply box.

When posting there are some basic rules I personally observe.

If it is my thought it is not in quotes
If I got it from someone or something else I put quotes around it
If it is a common quote I use “quote marks” and credit the author
Particularly as an artist and writer, for me it is important to distinguish my own expressions from expressions that came from a source other than my own brain.

Another variation is called the Retweet. A Retweet is when you see something that someone else wrote and you repost it so your followers will see it. It is an accepted practice that when you do this you include the @ name of the person/people who posted the message before you.

Example: You if you saw a post from Enoxh
“To be or not to be that is the question” William Shakespeare

You would Retweet this by posting RT for Retweet and the originators @ name the post.
RT @enoxh “To be or not to be that is the question” William Shakespeare

At this point I should mention, one of the great things about Twitter is that people of all professions and social status use Twitter. One of the great appeals of Twitter is that you can follow people you enjoy and admire. You will find famous actors, musicians, TV stars, CEO's and the uber-wealthy, sports figures and all manner of celebrities on Twitter.

A quick visit to their profile page will make it apparent that with half a million or a million followers some people can't possibly be expected to follow everyone back, read or answer every @reply or direct message. Many celeb's will make their profile private or closely restrict their follows to people they know in real life or their peer community. On the other hand many celebrities do follow back, will respond to @replies and in general will interact with you like a normal person. I try to always be polite and respectful with celebrities. I send very few @replies unless they request it in their post and I have never sent a DM to a celeb that didn't request it .
Aside from the Twitter Elite I go by the general rule...If they follow me I follow them back. If I follow them and they don't follow me back... after some time passes I will stop following them. When you first start you will not have any Followers or Follows. You are going to have to invest some time in finding people to follow. Don't worry about getting people to follow you. If you follow my advice you will have plenty of followers in no time.

Week 1 Follow anyone you are interested in. If you follow someone and they SPAM or post things you don't like simply unfollow them. Here is where you should start.
Click Find People then the Suggested Users Tab.

Follow anyone in the list that interests you. Most of these people are well known and will not follow you back but it's a good place just to start and get some Tweets flowing.
Next go to and do the same thing here find people that interest you and follow them.

As a general rule in the beginning don't follow more than one or two hundred people who will not follow you back...

I really enjoyed seeing all the celeb tweeting when I first started. As you grow your numbers you will see more tweets from others and the celeb tweets will be thinned out considerably.
Next you need to start following some people who are willing to follow you back.

You can do this in a lot of ways. I joined Twitter on a Monday, I spent several days just reading posts on the everyone tab and following anyone who posted anything I liked. I clicked the @names of anyone in posts I saw that seemed interesting and followed them. Most people followed me back. I looked on Google for lists of interesting people on Twitter and follwed them. I posted regularly and people followed me or responded to my posts. I automatically followed anyone who @replied to anything I said. I tried to be myself and interact kindly and respectfully with everyone. I shared my thoughts and works as well as things I was interested in and within the first 5 days I was at around 250 follows and 70 followers.

#FollowFriday is a cooperative effort by Twitter users to grow their numbers and meet new people to follow. The # is called a hash tag. I will let you look that up on Google on your own. Basically putting # in front of something “tags” it so that common themed posts can be easily identified later. As a new Twitter user Follow Friday can really help you grow your numbers.
Keep in mind that because of global time zones Follow Friday really lasts over 48 hours.
My first follow Friday I went from 70 followers to 750 followers and over the next few days I was close to1000 followers. At 1000 -1500 follow(ers) you will probably have Tweets appearing faster than you can read them so you may decide as I did to slow down and start getting choosier about who you follow and generally beginning to build relationships with lot's of fun, interesting new people! Where you go from there is entirely up to you as you will no longer be a beginner.

Twitter Etiquette

Always be respectful Twitter is VERY tolerant as a community respect that for what it is!!
Be yourself! Be real post real stuff about you and your life!
If someone mentions or re tweets you acknowledge them with a tweet!Don't SPAM or send people repeated attempts to sell stuff or make money off of them. We all have to make a living just be respectful about your solicitations!
Have fun!

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